Ces images
de Martine viennent tout droit de ma mémoire, de mon enfance,
de ces merveilleux livres que je dévorais et dont l'héroïne
portait mon prénom .... Vous souvenez-vous de cette collection
? Egocentrique ? Egotiste ? Sûrement :)
Je m'en fous ! C'est mon monde, j'en fais ce que je veux, n'est-ce
pas ?
bien la seule bulle dans laquelle je peux m'enfermer et échapper
au réel, parfois trop dur.
Daddy and me : I love him
Richard and
Daddy, laughing :)
Nabila is just behind. |
Maybe you're wondering
why I don't put some pictures of my mum .... Just because I don't have :(
She was not at Les Sablettes with us, she was in Royan.

That's Richard and Mick during tea
time, on the terace.
Sunset is a blessed moment.
My cute cute cute brother
The Lion va taper les vagues.
Parfois, je le regarde et je me demande comment le temps a fait
pour passer si vite !
Hier encore, je le portais sur la hanche pour l'endormir :)
Alexandra, my little sister, my jewel
Jeremy, Eric (Phil's brother)
and me ... Sunny day.
We were at Alex and Philip's, one sunday of July.
Jeremy and Eric came : the first one was celebrating his first
the second was on the point to leave France for United States. For me, it
was a day before work :)
Frankyyyyyyyyy, my love, stop watching TV !! Go to the Casino :)
My lover is totally addicted to television. I think it's kind of illness !
Want to visit his
website ?
Again ??? I was tired (like always) and laughing like an idiot (like always,
as well) !
Sunset on the terace. We can perceive our mint tea on the table : nahnah :)
Sunset, the end of the day.