OK, so the story keeps going on....
I'm so small compared to Richard Lion King...That I had to climb on the sofa
for the picture !
(11 september 99) A wave is always like a dream...Oh! My mum arrives and I'm still sleeping ...On the marrocan camel
! A long way through desert to wake me up.Untill...The wave of reality....
Reality...? Strange mix between Good and Bad, White and Black,
Lavan ve Sharor, Love and Hate, Days and Nights...
What's reality when we're dreamers ? (july 92) Still
dreaming and trying to open my eyes :-)(july 99) hehe!
Alexandra and Nilouche at my home (Septembre 99) for
Roch Hachana.
Alex's tongue// Me, near my ex university //
Moshe Motek and me in Paris // Me, in Tel Aviv (shouk)
// My brother...
My sister during her honey moon (august 99, dominican republic)
// My brother coming back from the beach // My sister at the airport,
going to France.