Dali ...

U ? Here ? What are u looking for, hehe ? Pictures ? Texts ?
Really want to see me killing softly Art ?
I say "kill" 'cauz to make paintings live I should add texts and I really don't have time to do it as I'd like. Anyway, I'll do my best to give you pleasure. Ready to wait ? Greaaaaaaat! we'll be friends, for sure ! I need to find some good good pictures about artists I love or places I know, I'll take them on the web or in live and come back! See u in a moment...
"Time to walk on the devil's head !"

 Marchons !
marchons !
Ok, folks, i'm back to u ! I thought and thought again and decided to start with some smiles.


My lips

Lips again

Red on white : a smile for love


Red on black : a smile of love

ok, now that we are no more strangers one for the other...
Let's go for a little -and modest- painting trip !

Let's enjoy more universe of Art ! Art, this little nice baby...Bb. I try to create a galery of paintings I'm found of, paintings that are part of me ...
Agree? Yalla, then :-)

Ces tableaux sont mes purs kifs ....
Chacun d'eux représentent un peu de mon vécu, un peu de ce que je suis
(ou crois être, ou voudrais être ...).

Venus : Cabanel

Alexandre Cabanel (le conformiste) : Venus birth ..... Un délice

 Winterhalter : la Baronne Barbe de ...  Greuze : la Cruche Cassée ...

Winterhalter : Barbe Dmitrievna Mergassov, Madame Rimsky-Korsakov (1864)
Greuze : la Cruche cassée

Dali .... ça ne pouvait être que lui ...

Dali : Prémonition de la guerre civile

Delacroix : Détails de La mort de Sardanapale

Clique pour aller sur le plan du site !

An other page of Art, Modern Art

Lautrec : la Toilette
Toulouse-Lautrec : la Toilette

Alex likes this one as well...

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Marat, murdered by Charlotte Corday, painted by David.

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Emilon Redon....Dream or nightmare ?

La mort de Cléôpatre

Jean-André Rixens, La mort de Cléôpatre .... La grande Cléôpatra ...

magritte1.gif (89481 octets)  magritte2.gif (69664 octets)

Alexandra, my sister, used to like Magritte when she was a kid.
Beyond reality maybe ....

dalimontres.gif (6913 octets)

Dali, again and again ...

That's it , beyond our life !

Egon schiele   // Greuze   // Greuze again   // Cabanel   // Winterhalter  

Manet (Nana)   // Manet 2 (Zola)   // Degas   // Picasso   // Rembrand   // Le Gray  




Dali : "Enfer Géographique de l'Homme Nouveau",
"Sevrage du Meuble Aliment",
"Cannibalisme d'Automne"

Clin d'oeil

Simpons : Dali is remixed ;-)

La terre est bleue comme une orange

J'adore cette phrase...

La terre est bleue comme une orange

Time passes, i've got to go...
NOOOOOOOO !!! Faster ! kiss u ...bye...