First, let's speak about computers...
Man or woman ?
Première fois ....
This is one of my favorite!
This real letter made me roll on the floor...
Oh ! Charlie, Charlie brown, we love u !
The eternal myth of the princess, waiting
for her prince ... Just a smile.
Wait for new ones I'll add soon ... See ya !
Work, le boulot, taf .... Jeunes et + de 30 ans
Mobiles, Portables, GSM blah, blah,blah ...
Porter un portable, c'est insupportable !
Want to see the last mobile in Morocco ? (A.Bento)
For a dirham more, u even can enjoy tonality !
Snoopy et les impôts ? J'adhèèèèèèèèère
!! :-)
J'adhère tellement que je mets les deux versions (noir/blanc et couleurs)
Humour parsien ;-)